Throwback Thursday: Sebastian Inlet State Park 2010

Ten years ago on January 16, 2010, we visited Sebastian Inlet State Park. Terry O'Toole, now retired, was our guide ... We visited the dunes where we saw perfumed spiderlily (Hymenocallis latifolia).  This amaryllis-relative is quite versatile and also grows…

Great Garden Gall

Fran Robinson (Class of 2018) sent this photo of a gall on her white crownbeard (Verbesina virginica) plant.  This gall likely is the handiwork of a gall midge (Neolasioptera verbesinae).  Its species name, verbesinae, speaks to its fidelity to the genus Verbesina.…

Very Verbesina

Each fall the frostweed (Verbesina virginica) flowers fabulously. Pollinators flock to it. At Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, this plant, which dies back to the ground in the winter, was beginning to set seed in September... Flowering was especially prolific…