Weeds of Wednesday?: Beggarticks

You will find this native dime-sized daisy growing along roadsides, in ruderal areas, and in your own yard. Beggarticks, Spanish needles, and monkey's lice are among the many common names for Bidens alba. It hitch-hikes around admirably ... The nectar…

Weeds of Wednesday: Florida Snow

Largeflower Mexican clover, largeflower pusley, Florida snow, fairy bells, and fairy cups are all common names given to the plant Richardia grandiflora, an invasive plant that has spread widely and swiftly in south and central Florida. For a weed that…

Weeds of Wednesday: Fiddler’s Spurge

Fiddler's spurge (Euphorbia heterophylla) is an annual weed (or wildlflower) that is native to the southeastern United States as well as tropical and subtropical America. Mexican fireplant, wild poinsettia, Japanese poinsettia, hypocrite poinsettia, and desert poinsettia are other common names.…

Weeds of Wednesday: Where Have All the Bidens Gone?

Usually, common beggarticks (Bidens alba) is abundant -- along roadsides, mosquito control dikes, and in other disturbed places. Not so much this year, though. Perhaps, the lack of rainfall this year explains its relative absence. Common beggarticks are an annual…